About a year ago I was going through the store, found nothing and so was on my way out when I stopped by one of the sales tables. It was mostly hardcovers, all sorts of genres but what caught my eye was a book titled Sebastian by Anne Bishop. It was a name I've never heard of before, but the reviews touted her as new talent so I just put it to that. Wasn't a purchase I regretted at all, so if you see this book in your book store or decide to do some shopping on Amazon and love fantasy, pick up this book. Sebastian is wonderfully fresh and imaginative, a very unique world. And Bishop's writing style is beautifully descriptive without being overbearing. It's very easy to get absorbed into and connect to the characters. By the end I couldn't wait for the release of the next book, though I don't know why I didn't think of searching her out to see when that was - especially considering the techie that I am. Well it's out now, and as soon as I'm able I plan to grab it - the title is Belladonna, for anyone who's curious. Aside from Sebastian, Belladonna was my favourite character so I'm really stoked that the sequel focuses more on her. If anyone's already read it, tell me what you thought!
Nemesis Now
Nemesis Now faeries! This collection is absolutely amazing. I love the wings especially, and you can see how some parts have a leafy shape to them which I've not seen elsewhere. Gives them a unique look. They also glow in the dark, believe it or not! The edges of their wings are painted with a clear glow-in-the-dark paint, and some of the finer details on them are painted also. They actually look pretty cool - I wish I could photograph them.
This was one of the first ones I got, Virgo being the second. Not only do the edges of her wings glow, but also that large star she's sleeping on and all the little ones too. I adore her hair. I'd love to go that long again, but the problem is that I wouldn't be able to find someone to colour it :) I'm back in my redhead stage, and I give thick hair a new meaning.
Virgo, one of the Zodiac faeries from the 2008 collection. My astrology sign is actually Cancer, but Rhonda didn't have Cancer in at the time. Virgo's rather lovely though, and I plan on collecting the whole lot anyway :) Along with her wings the flowers in her hair and at her feet all glow, and some of the edges of her dress glow as well.
My latest addition! This one is called "To Catch A Falling Star" and I just fell in love with the forest green. I'm not sure what aside from her wings glow just yet, but I'll wager it's likely all the stars.
New Year, New Beginnings
Also with the new year things with my local NaNo group are going to pick up again. We're thinking of doing our own version of the Night of Writing Dangerously to help support our own local chapter as well as HQ. It's ambitious I'll admit, but I think it'll be a lot of fun. The original plan was for February, but I think we'll be moving it because that doesn't look like it's going to be enough time to plan. I'd rather us take the time to plan this right, than rush it and possibly ruin it. It should be loads of fun though! Maybe we'll wait for the good weather and have it outside, haha
About Me

- M.R.J. Le Blanc
- Reader, writer and World of Warcraft gamer. My goal: to write 1million words in a year. Yes I'm ambitious!
Works In Progress
The Dragon King
The Demigod's Curse
Awards I've Gotten
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- 2tylish - Unofficial GACKT Fansite
- Antonio Restivo
- Bright Weavings: The Worlds of Guy Gavriel Kay
- Celtic Myth Podshow
- Cesar Millan - Official Site
- Cindy Pon
- Crimson Moon
- Dragon Cave - My Dragons!
- Fantasy Art by Nene Thomas
- GACKT Official Website (english)
- Guy Gavriel Kay
- heise's deviantART gallery
- His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
- Locks of Love
- Mary Lindsey's Weblog
- Moon-Struck, an unofficial GACKT translation site
- Ontario Writers' Conference
- Original Chinchillas
- phoenixlu on deviantART
- - Finding homes for domestic rabbits in Ontario
- Sheltie Nation
- Smart B*tches, Trashy Books
- Stillinheaven
- Sturm un Drang
- The Art of Sara Forlenza
- the purple patch
- World of Warcraft - Official Site
Blogs I Follow
My Best Seed Starting Tips6 days ago
In Memoriam: Janet Reid11 months ago
#3325 years ago
Scepter of Fire Pre-Release Teaser5 years ago
FREE YA Sampler Book5 years ago
Valentine's Day Giveaway(s)!6 years ago
Hello :)6 years ago
Wolf-Killer OUT NOW6 years ago
Test Post - Ignore7 years ago
World AIDS Day 20178 years ago
BookEnds Has Moved9 years ago
Closing Down.9 years ago
Marked By You10 years ago
Hello, I must be going...10 years ago
Review: Silent Pain10 years ago
All things considered, ol' DWR10 years ago
BA10 years ago
NEW BLOG!10 years ago
Dealing with sociopathy11 years ago
AAA Travel Insurance11 years ago
Please update your RSS feed link12 years ago
Pub Rants Has Moved!!12 years ago
Hurricanes and PayPal12 years ago
theseventhcircleofelle12 years ago
Shifting (my book) Preview13 years ago
A Flair for the Dramatic13 years ago
The Matter of Words13 years ago
Time Rodents and the Delicate Warriors14 years ago
Que Vaya Bien15 years ago